CEnet takes to the stage…

AusCERT2024: 21-24 May

We are pleased to advise that CEnet's Shannon Hartley (IT Security Architect) has been accepted to present at this year's AusCERT 2024, Australia's longest standing information security event, taking place next month.

In keeping with the conference theme of 'Paying it Forward', Shannon will share how CEnet has automated AusCERT notifications to keep track of notification history and produce insights for more user-friendly reporting.

CEnet supports open collaboration, so this session will offer a transparent and practical view on what has been built at CEnet, and offered for free to others to take and make their own.

Congratulations Shannon, on being accepted to present at this event.

Edutech: 13-14 August

Congratulations to CEnet's Jarryd Keir (Manager, Integration), David Jenkins (Manager, Infrastructure) and Dr Alan Ibbett (Manager, IT) who have been accepted to present at this year's EduTech, taking place 13-14 August at Melbourne Convention Centre.

Jarryd will share ideas on new ways of authenticating to services as we move toward a passwordless world, and how to simplifying access to enterprise systems for students.

David will be presenting 'Empowering Education: CEnet's journey in building a secure and cost-effective network for safer internet experiences in Australian Catholic schools', outlining the process of building secure and scalable networks for a large number of school students and staff.

Alan will be taking the stage for two presentations; a cyber safety presentation focussed on IoT device data leaks and what to do about it, along with 'The future of AI is here now - Governance, technology and people ready to work with AI safely and productively'.

This speaks volumes about the vibrant, idea-sharing environment that CEnet fosters and we thank David, Alan and Jarryd for putting forward their submissions.


Concepts 2024 Conference